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1 in 5 properties affected by surface water flood risk.

33% UK commercial properties at risk from flood.

75% of businesses don’t include climate risks in their business continuity plan.

Flood losses expect to increase five-fold by 2050

Long-term mental health problems up to nine times more likely for flood victims.

40% SMEs never reopen following a flood.

In 2021 146 lives lost caused by flooding and flash floods in the US

Flooding causes over $40 billion in damages worldwide each year said the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

While FEMA classifies nearly 9 million U.S. properties as having substantial risk, requiring them to carry federal flood insurance, First Street identifies nearly 70% more, or more than 14.5 million properties, with the same level of risk,million%20properties%2C%20with%20the%20same%20level%20of%20risk

The average farm flooding claim in 2022 was £26,343, climbing to £31,195 in November and December according to Farmers Guide

These 5 below are all accredited to Environment Agency:

5.2 million properties in England are at risk of flooding

The average cost of flood damage to a home is £30,000

The average cost of flooding to a business is £82,000

If you are flooded, temporary accommodation costs on average £10,000

If you are flooded, you are likely to be out of your home for an average of 5 months

Water damage is the second most frequent cause of loss during building projects, representing a large percentage of Construction All Risk (CAR) claims

(The UK CAR Underwriters Group/CIREG Best Practice Guidance on the Avoidance of Water Damage on Construction Sites 4th Edition June 2015 (

Winter rainfall could increase by 35% by 2070.*

Growing risks identified for the SRN include:

Overwhelmed drainage causing roads to flood,*

Increased flood damage to structures such as bridges,*

Excess water affecting slopes and embankments, potentially washing debris onto carriageways,*

Asphalt and foundation layers degraded by prolonged saturation*



Exploring systemic responses to rising flood risk ( all related to these below:

Risk drivers like climate change are amplifying the threat of flooding, and it is imperative that countries begin preparing for what is next. According to the Marsh McLennan Flood Risk Index:

• 1 out of 3 people globally will be threatened by flooding in a 1.5 °C warming scenario, which could happen as early as 2030.

• 41% of power generation capacity, 37% of international airport seats, and 52% of international port outflows globally will be threatened by flooding in a 2°C warming scenario, which could manifest as early as 2050.

• One-third of the world’s urban areas and nearly half (45%) of the population will be threatened by flooding in a 3.5 °C warming scenario, which could happen by the end of this century. if countries fail to follow through on current pledges. Exploring systemic responses to rising flood risk (

Points below from :

40% of small businesses close for good after catastrophic flooding.

27% of commercial properties in Britain are at risk from flooding Of the commercial properties at risk from flooding.

80% are at risk from surface water Retail and industrial properties make up over half of those facing flood risk in Britain.

Below three points from *

487 UK water sites are at significant risk from surface water flooding.

747 UK sewage treatment works are at significant risk from surface water flooding.

The magnitude of surface water risk to UK infrastructure as a whole is considered high now and in the future Page 19 – In London, there are more than 200,000 residential and commercial properties at risk of flooding from heavy rainfall events, and 43 percent of hospitals and 44 percent of utility sites are in high flood risk areas.

Environment Agency estimate that 10% of main roads are in areas at risk from flooding –,at%20moderate%20or%20significant%20risk.

Globally, research suggests that 19% of the world population are directly exposed to substantial risks during 1-in-100 year flood events:

In 2022 the UK energy industry supported over 734,000 jobs and the entire energy sector supply chain contributed $190bn to the UK economy. The energy sector invested $17bn in the UK in 2022, which represented 7% of total investment. There is over $125bn in planned investment in new energy sources over the next decade. From:,sources%20over%20the%20next%20decade.

Average commercial loss in 2015/16 flood was £130k:

UK flood losses exceed £1bn per annum: Page 12 of

"Almost half of hospitals forced to close wards due to floods, power cuts and maintenance issues" *

*Almost half of hospitals forced to close wards due to floods, power cuts and maintenance issues | ITV News

Additionally, 1 in 4 construction projects are delivered more than 250 days late (just over eight months), with 10% delayed by up to a year. 

In 2016, the vast majority of respondents said that less than 30% of projects experienced delays.

Approximately 20% of commercial properties in the United States, equating to around 919,000 buildings, are at risk of flooding.

Marsh 2025 state of flood report:

  • In the U.S., at least 166 flood-related fatalities were recorded across 24 states—more than double the previous year’s count and the highest since 2015. 
  • The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) paid over 56,000 flood claims totalling more than $1.4 billion, a sharp increase from 16,400 claims totalling $968 million in 2023. Much of this was driven by Hurricane Helene, which generated flood claims across six states. As of 2022, the U.S. operates 17,544 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs)

Critical Infrastructure: Approximately 25% of U.S. critical infrastructure, equating to about 36,000 facilities, is at risk of becoming inoperable due to flooding.

Hurricane Milton (2024): Florida Power & Light Company filed to recover nearly $1.2 billion in hurricane restoration costs due to damages from Hurricane Milton

the First Street Foundation estimates that nearly 18 million U.S. properties are at substantial risk or greater

A survey revealed that 85% of U.S. companies mistakenly believe their property insurance covers most types of flooding.