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Proactively mitigate and minimise disruption for energy companies

Protecting critical infrastructure and understanding the risks to networks with our Flood Intel Platform

  • 24/7 Flood warnings
to keep you one step ahead *
  • x5Increase in flood losses
expected by 2050 *
  • $190 billionWhat the energy sector supply chain contributed ​to the UK economy in 2022 *

Our solution for the energy sector: The Previsico Flood Intel Platform

A first-of-its-kind combination of technologies to forecast the types of floods that catch energy providers off guard.

Benefits for energy providers

  • Provides timely information on surface water flood risk to inform event response.
  • Supports actioning of requests for help from customers during and/or after events (front-end triage).
  • Sensors support accurate and effective monitoring of water levels and conveyance (above and below ground) across significant geographical scales in near-real-time to inform understanding of risks to networks and infrastructure.

Mitigates impact and losses from:

  • Severe impact to critical infrastructure e.g. towers, power plants and substations.
  • Shutdown of electricity production and power outages for customers.
  • Network repairs.
  • Increased operational costs and subsequent higher bills for customers.
case study

Environmental Risk & Assurance to NGET's assets

Previsico provides flood forecast and sensor data for NGET's primary substation locations to support climate risk analysis and the categorising of the risk of extreme weather events.

Collaborations like this are helping us unlock the new capabilities we will need to manage our assets in the face of the increasing impacts of climate change. The project will harness the data available to us more effectively, to ensure our network infrastructure remains resilient against extreme weather events in the future.

Alert relevant team members of upcoming flood risks​

Have all essential team members receive actionable flood alerts when critical risk thresholds are exceeded to enable ​proactive measures to be taken to reduce the impact of incoming flooding. ​

Ready to start mitigating your flood loss?​

* View our sources list on this page.